When you see, a reputable institution like a slanderer, a traditional media or a number of famous person become busy to defame you, take it that you have done a bit.
Know that, it is a very simple thing like as rude, humiliating, disrespect for those who come to do something special.
Remember, you will be successful in politics only when black cloud will be overwhelmed forever, and to fulfil your dreams, once you live in the world or not, millions of your followers will be joined in the prayer for rain.
[The Quote is collected from page no 44 of the book Netritto (leadership) written by Kamrul Hasan Nasim ]
Alex TM
Dolorum nascetur quibusdam bibendum nesciunt torquent vehicula, nostra? Nisl? Excepteur repellat provident, laboriosam! Nullam vel.
Alex TM
Corporis quasi dicta voluptates, rerum vero eos quaerat, quo aliqua voluptates suspendisse quod tempus! Interdum.
Alex TM
Egestas molestias erat impedit blanditiis quam, proident rutrum iste? Illum? Aenean proin. Nostrum pretium, commodi.